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Fundacio Ramon Noguera, Grup FRN logo

Fundació Ramon Noguera

Group FRN is a non-profit group of entities based in Girona, with the mission to work to guarantee the rights of people with intellectual disabilities, to improve their quality of life, and that of their families, as well as that of children who have difficulties in their development, in order to contribute to the creation of a more supportive and inclusive society.

Key expertise of the organisation is grouped in two main areas:

  • Area of personalized care services and support.

  • Area of socio labour inclusion and employment of adults with intellectual disabilities.

In the labour area we provide Orientation and Employment Services to guide, train, accompany and employ people with intellectual disabilities, with targeted trainings and individual coaching. Among the methodologies implemented, we outstand: Individual Support Planning, on the job vocational and professional training, personal competences and attitudes, formation – information actions, etc. in the following professional activities: Industrial Cleaning Service, Gardening and Forestry Services, Professional Car Washing, laFundacio Fashion and Accessories Outlet (also online, Laundry (auto-service) and Ironing service, Catering Service and Restaurant (three specific initiatives: “lafundacio catering”, “lafundacio coffee shop” and “La Rosaleda Jardí Degustació” (our restaurant), Ecological food – processing and Industrial assembly (bicycle wheels, etc.).

Related to the area covered by the EQUALvet project our Organization can share its expertise and experiences regarding the socio-labour inclusion of people with special needs. We can help to the co-design (with the participation of PWID themselves, beside the key staff involved) and implementation of novel vocational and professional training arising from the project together with apprenticeships in our different areas of activity as well as transversal competences for the labour market. In the same area (i.e. socio labour inclusion), we can provide personnel training for the improvement of personal and technical skills as well as individual coaching to access labour market and to design socio labour itineraries for a better inclusion. European guidelines for the validation of formal and informal learning.

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