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EQUALVET at Let's NEET together! 7


EQUALVET participated yesterday in the greek Koispe Diadromes event "Let's NEET together! #7" with 75 participants from Belgium, Greece, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and Spain!

It was an amazing event with interventions from four speakers from Spain and Greece around the inclusion of vulnerable NEETs in the labor market, namely those with intellectual disabilities:

  • Sophia Karagouni from VTC MARGARITA (ΕΕΑ "ΜΑΡΓΑΡΙΤΑ) presented Equalvet, B-Wise Project, and ERGASIA MOU: Three European initiatives towards the modernization of vocational training and rehabilitation of people with disabilities.

  • Olga Romanou from EPSYME (Εταιρεία Ψυχοκοινωνικών Μελετών (Ε.ΨΥ.ΜΕ.) talked about Autism-Friendly Spaces: the Employability Twist

  • Vasileios Chronopoulos from Κοισπε Διαδρομές presented us his thesis about Linking the Social Performance of Work Integration Social Enterprises with Poverty Alleviation

  • Aster - Mihail Mărășescu shared with us his life experiences, a success story of a youngster that pursued his dreams despite the challenges that he encountered during the last years, and managed to build his own professional path. His presentation was entitled From a dream to job creation. Green opportunities for the NEETs.

You can watch the recordings of the event on EQUALvet's Facebook page!


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