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EQUALvet's experience from KA3 Cluster Meeting


EQUALvet’s project partner, EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for persons with Disabilities) participated in the KA3 Thematic Cluster Meeting organised by EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency).

The aim of this meeting was to review the future of the fields related to education, culture, audiovisual, sport, citizenship and volunteering in order to shape the next Erasmus+.

We had the chance to meet other organisations and learn about their promising projects while also discussing effective practices for the dissemination of our work so other people can also be benefitted.

However, the most important message we took back with us was the need for these projects to inspire change in policy and EQUALvet as a project aims in the better inclusion of people with disabilities through the equal access in quality vocational training and the recognition of their vocational skills.

Next month, EQUALvet's partners will have the chance to meet in Girona, Spain and plan our future activities. Stay tuned!


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